From way back when to this present moment, the more some things changed, the more some remained the same.
Take, for instance, the concept of "One More." Who is it that doesn't believe in the reality of One More?
Throughout life, we've embraced the lifestyle of expecting one more chance-one more time-one more day-one more hour-one more minute-one more this and one more that.
Why, then, should we be surprised when one more stress surfaces in our lives?
Whoever we are and wherever we are, more often than not, stress surrounds us. It matters not whether we're minding our own affairs, meddling in someone else's, or merrily rolling along, stress affects us all.
Where do we run? Where do we hide?
Sadly, we can't run and we can't hide from stresses of this world. When troubled by the thought or the onset of one more stress, we determine to do as Gideon did.
We go to God in prayer and ask Him for what we want.
Peace I leave with you . . .