Sunday, April 29, 2012


 ". . . My peace I give to you, not as the world gives do I give to you . . ."
John 14:27 (NKJV) 

Possessions for stress survivors can greatly vary. Without a doubt, we too have a long list of what we love and long To Have and To Hold. 

However, we've come to a point where our quest to reduce stress causes us to be quite careful in pursuing our wants and needs. 

More and more with our stressful issues, we stress survivors are placing our priorities on solid things; those that have reliable reputations; those that hold  tried-and-true track records. 

Think what we will or may, but there are some things that money cannot buy - and man cannot bestow. Yes, our wonderful world has afforded immeasurable conveniences and attained countless successes. Yet there remains those things that are attainable only by the grace of God.

PEACE . . . Pure and Perfect Peace . . . Everlasting Peace . . . Comes from GOD.

To have an illusion of peace may seem possible, but to hold onto it while battling stress has, repeatedly, been proven impossible. 

Looking for peace in wrong places can be mentally and physically frustrating. And to not have peace or not be able to hold on to it, can literally drive us crazy.

Because this yearning To Have and To Hold "peace" is imperative to stress survivors' health and well-being, we trust the Almighty Creator of peace to grant it to us.     

Peace I leave with you . . .    

Sunday, April 22, 2012


" For we walk by faith, not by sight." ~ ~ ~ 2 Corinthians 5:7  

EVER HEARD the old adage, Seeing is Believing?

For ages, a lot of us have been convinced of this, and have clung to the notion that we must see it, before we believe it.

But then, as stress began to overtake our lives and to upset things that mattered most to us, many of the solutions we sought for stress were nowhere in sight.

Somewhere in the midst of mega stress and unrest, stress survivors realized there are matters we're forced to face that indeed command us to walk by faith . . . in spite of sight. 

YET, we are far from ignorant of such anxieties surrounding us.  

Because of those ill and adverse effects of stress, stress survivors understand that walking by faith helps us to stop dwelling on what we can or cannot see; and start exerting our energies on what we hope to be.

In a world of stress, stress, and stress, walking by faith - plain and simple - requires that we believe in the beauty that life miraculously brings, even, and especially, when we can't see it. 

Peace I leave with you . . .  

Sunday, April 15, 2012


"Catch us the foxes, the little foxes that spoil the vines . . ."
Song of Solomon 2:15 KJV

WHO would have imagined that WRONG could be so REAL?

So real, in fact, that our society is checkered with stress and strain and all sorts of sad situations. And an alarming percentage is due to wrong doing.

Whether wrongs of our own volition or those of others, wrong doing can create real stress. We cannot expect to eliminate our stresses while entertaining wrong lifestyles.

Thinking wrong thoughts, listening to wrong voices, and making wrong choices may not always bring on immediate stress. But beware . . . wrong is so known to create confusion and stress.

See, all stresses are not instant. And because certain wrongs don't instantly or easily bring about stress, they often seem insignificant. However insignificant these "little foxes" may seem, they can "spoil the vines" in so many areas of life and create real "big" stresses.

That's why stress survivors are careful to examine actions and reactions for indications of wrong. For when real stressful issues arrive, we intend to sidestep as many as we can.

Because of the real stress that Wrong can cause, real wrongs are off limits to those who are--or who wish to become--successful stress survivors.

Peace I Leave With You . . .

Wednesday, April 11, 2012

WE'RE BACK . . .

As you know, Let's De-Stress weekly inspirations had ceased circulating this 2012 year.


Please accept our sincere apology for this absence. Believe it or not, we've embraced a serious stress sabbatical.

Beginning now, we shall continue moving forward with our regular De-stress inspirations.

And beginning real soon, we'll be sharing some new and exciting inspirations to aid our assault on reducing stress.

As always, thank you for your loyalty to Let's De-Stress, and let's keep de-stressing together.

Peace I leave with you . . .