Sunday, September 25, 2011


"Whatsoever things are true, whatsoever things are honest, whatsoever things are just, whatsoever things are pure, whatsoever things are lovely, whatsoever things are of good report;if there be any virture, and if there be any praise, think on these things." ~Philippians 4:8, KJV

Yep . . . we've all got "Memories." Pleasant ones. Unpleasant ones.

As much as we love revisiting pleasant memories, it's amazing how unpleasant ones can affect us. Unpleasant memories conjure more stresses than we would image.

What, for the sake of stress, do we do with hurtful and heartbreaking memories that keep us irritated, sad, and depressed?

A while back, we were advised to write our woeful memories on paper, tie the paper with string and attach it to balloons, letting those balloons carry all our stressful memories away.

Stress-survivors nowadays feel the need to banish our bad memories in a more effective way.
What we reccommend to end the concentration of bad memories is to crowd them out--by creating new ones. Good ones.

In our quest to eliminate stress, we must be willing to constantly separate the good from the bad. That's why it's important to treasure sweet memories and toss away stressful ones.

Not sure how to end stressful memories and make sweet ones all over again?

For starters, we begin by thinking good thoughts; doing good deeds; sharing good company; and of course, trusting the goodness of God.

When stress-survivors have contributed all we're capable of, we relinquish our stand and rely on God for renewed and right relationships--bigger and better opportunities--liberal and lasting peace--and an abundance of precious memories.

Peace I leave with you . . .