Sunday, March 29, 2009


What are you doing, O devastated one? ~ Jeremiah 4:30, NIV ~

WHEN ASKED what are our hobbies, three-fourth of us will answer "none." A few might say something like cooking, sewing, watching TV, and talking on the phone.

However, serious stress-survivors proclaim a deep-and-abiding love for such things as fishing, hunting, hiking, biking, dancing, reading, writing, shopping, traveling, and many other fun adventures.

Statistics reveal that more money is spent annually on hobbies in the United States than in any other country on earth. To some, it is wasteful because hobbies are considered non-essential . . . That is, until a person tries one and personally discovers how hobbies help to reduce stress.

Let's Look at it like this: For all the stressful things that life demand we do--whether we want to or not--to have a special something that we love to turn to is indeed a welcomed relief to our stressed souls.

A friend of a friend once shared that he spent every day, doing something he loved. He swore that that was the key to his peace of mind. He encourages people to take out time every single day to do something they love.

So, what are we doing? Do the things we love out-weigh those we loathe? Or is it the opposite? Surely, what we do has to be of importance for in the Bible, during Jeremiah's days, this same question came from the Lord.

Think about it. How many of us can say that we're doing something we love EVERY DAY?

Peace I leave with you . . .

Sunday, March 22, 2009


YEAAAH...SPRING HAS ARRIVED... Along with it, the fascination of outdoor activities and the magnificent sunshine and fresh air.

Remember how, back in the day, our elders would insist that we go outside and play? They knew--in part if not totally--how important sunshine, fresh air, and exercise were to our well-being.

Cooped-up inside all the time with windows closed tight and covered with blinds and curtains, is a sure path to stress. We seem to have forsaken natural sunlight and fresh outdoor air. Please be warned, sunshine and fresh air are among the most essential elements needed to de-stress.

Researchers are quickly proving the tremendous benefits of the sun and how important it is to get outside and be active under it. Research also shows that sunshine is an effective treatment for stress and depression.

Amazingly, fresh air soothes the nerves, stimulates appetite, helps digestion, and induces sound, restful sleep--all of which are vital to reduce stress. But greater still, fresh air has a dynamic influence on the mind, imparting peace and serenity.

It's important that we remember how good it feels to be out in the sunshine and fresh air. And how relaxed we feel after spending time there. And one of the best ways to receive such benefits is to go out into the open air and exercise--walking, running, gardening, playing sports, or whatever suits us.

All considered, sunshine, fresh air, and exercise are a winning combination for stress. Let's start today and spend time outdoors. Let's get plenty of fresh air and sunshine, and let's allow "Mother Nature" to naturally soothe our souls.

Peace I leave with you . . .

Sunday, March 15, 2009


And God said, "See, I have given you every herb that yields seed
which is on the face of all the earth, and every tree
whose fruit yields seed; to you it shall be for food."
~ Genesis 1:29 ~

Ever noticed that sluggish or sleepy feeling after eating lunch? After overindulging in non-nutritional foods?

When it comes to eating, we have gone our own way and given ourselves permission to glut on whatever we please. How can we expect to not be stressed?

One of the most shocking things is we're ready to pout every time our eating habits are addressed, but then, we're rallying prayer whenever health issues arise.

Sad to say, there's hardly a single one of us who isn't stressing behind some kind of disorder or disease. High blood pressure, cholesterol, diabetes, arthritis and obesity cause severe stress in nine out of ten lives.

In all honesty, we have to admit our addictions to typically BAD eating. Our Black American Diet largely consists of fried foods - especially meats - lots of pork, cooked-to-death vegetables, and plenty of processed foods and sweets.

Realizing that God has made provisions for us through the natural foods of this earth, we must feed our bodies food that's designed to de-stress them.

To be strong stress-survivors, we must focus on eating to live, rather than, living to eat. And instead of making poor choices and eating what tastes good to us, we must be mindful of what's good for us.

Peace I leave with you . . .

Sunday, March 8, 2009


Remember how, in the beginning, we had such great expectations for certain things, only to discover later on that things were not like we thought?

Remember those terrible stresses? Here, again, most of us can identify with an old-faithful truth that warns, "Things are not always what they seem."

At one time or another, we've experienced dreadful headaches or heartaches from expectations gone wild. And the resulting stresses literally knocked us off our feet.

Once an obnoxious rich man bragged over the fact that he always drank "Kopi Luwak" -- world's rarest and most expensive coffee. This old man raved that Kopi Luwak coffee beans cost hundreds of dollars for a single pound of the exceptional-tasting coffee.

One day the rich tycoon was informed by a 45-year-career mechanic how the Kopi Luwak beans were processed. Interestingly enough, Indonesian cats eat the coffee beans and excrete them. The unique Kopi Luwak beans are then picked out of cats excrement.

Isn't that just like life? We, too, just like the rich man, have thought that we'd discovered the absolute grandest and the best -- all the while not having the slightest idea of the stinkin' truth.

So how do we chase those stresses away? One of the most profound things we can do is to do as the rich man did. When he found out the scoop about his beloved "Kopi Luwak," HE LAUGHED.

As many cups of cat-dung-confiscated coffee that he'd drunk, when the low-down dirty truth was exposed, he laughed and laughed.

Yeah . . . yeah . . . it sounds crazy, but sounding crazy is far better than actually being crazy. Sure, laughing at faulty expectations is easier said, than done. But laughter is a highly-proven stress reducer. So from now on, in situations where we're known to stress, LET'S LEARN TO LAUGH.

Peace I leave with you . . .

Sunday, March 1, 2009


WHEN was the last time we sat down "alone" and enjoyed quiet, uninterrupted time? Do we regularly take mental breaks to release tension and stress, or do we indulge just every now and then?

To some, spending precious moments doing much-of-nothing seems like a waste of time. For those who are deeply bothered by stress, embracing quiet time is worth every single minute.

Solitude is an age-old art that's good for every ail. Not only is it an excellent relief for stress and anxiety, it is equally essential to the well being of our souls.

Spinning on life's merry-go-around and can barely think straight? Steal away to a private room or porch or backyard and spend time in tranquillity and peace. Even if it means locking up in the bathroom for a spell, find some quietness.

Basking in the blessings of quiet time can be rewarding regardless of who we are or what we do. When all around us is toxic and out of control, we do not have to be committed to the madness.

If we intend to greatly minimize our stresses, let's take time out to unwind and to liberate ourselves from daily drama.

Peace I leave with you . . .