Sunday, May 30, 2010


"Then David danced before the Lord with all his might;"
2 Samuel 6:14

DANCING, most commonly, consists of strategic movements and maneuver's that require fun-filled energies and efforts.
Quite often stress-survivors find themselves doing a different kind of dance--one that demands even more energies and accomplished steps. Bombarded with irritations and aggravations, we can't cope with our normal selves because of so much stress.

Beaten and bruised by families, friends, and foes, stress-survivors have come to realize that in order to escape from our stressfulness, we must learn how to "Dance with the scars."
Granted, it takes immense courage, confidence, and strength. And if we intend to move successfully from our stresses toward peace and productivity, our ultimate armour is the presence of God.

It is with God's guidance that we learn to move at the right time, to maneuver our steps in the right way, and to manage our mind and emotions to gracefully dance with the scars.

That's why when dancing through the endeavors of life, it's absolutely imperative to remain steadfast in the Lord.

In spite of who or what has inflicted our mental, physical or emotional hurts and heartaches, and as impossible as dancing with these scars may seem, we, who have repeatedly battled the war with stress, yet believe that With God all things are possible.

Shall we dance?

Peace I leave with you . . .

Sunday, May 16, 2010


"In all thy ways, acknowledge Him, and He shall direct thy paths."
Proverb 3:6 (KJV)

THINK of the many decisions we make daily. What time to get up; what to wear; what to eat; what work to do during the day; what movie to watch at night . . . and the list goes on and on. Decisions . . . Decisions . . . Decisions.

No doubt, decisions play a huge part in stress-survivors' lives. Regardless of who we are and/or where we are, we're constantly concerned with making decisions.

Studies show that on an average, we make about three hundred decisions a day. Among those three hundred, some are family-related; some are money-related; some are job-related. Some involve worldly possessions and some are indeed personal.

Whatever category decisions may arise, stress-survivors strive to decipher the good ones from the bad ones. Even on our best days, when trying to utilize our best ways, we discover that decisions can create enormous stress.

SO. . . how do we get to the place where we can stress less and actually experience peace in the midst of our most daring decisions?

PROVERB 3:6 encourages us to acknowledge God and allow Him to give us directions on how and what to do. Simply stated, we ask Him and see what He says about our situations.
Here again, that's easier said than done. Fact is, when we determine to pray and to rely on the Spirit of God to guide us, we soon discover that "Peace that surpasses all understanding" and clearly gain new insights and instructions for making decisions.
Perhaps the greatest challenge in crossing over from a hectic to a hallowed life of decisions is making up our mind. One thing for certain, once we decide to walk in the words of the Proverb, and we taste and see how to be stress-free, we'll be glad we did.

Peace I leave with you . . .

Saturday, May 8, 2010



Who could endure nine long months
of waiting
and wondering
and wishing
and praying
for a healthy newborn?
. . . Only a mother.

Who could trample the floor
for countless days and nights
caring for a helpless child,
then, lovingly cast a kiss
on that same little innocent face?
. . . Only a mother.

Who could cook and clean,
walk around the neighborhood,
run errands,
and talk on the phone,
with a spoiled brat hanging on her hip?
. . . Only a mother.

Who could calm the storms
that rage the heart and the home
when little ones mature into big ones
and leave the love nest,
causing all that was once near and dear
to drift into a whole new meaning of despair?
. . . Only a mother.

Who could love through the best of times
and through the worst of times;
through thick and thin;
through heartache and pain;
through sunshine and rain?


Sunday, May 2, 2010


Looking for solutions to escape personal and professional stresses?

Wanting a way to release the stress and strain of demanding lifestyles?

Ever considered a Sabbatical?

After numerous ups and downs and negative turn arounds, stress-survivors welcome a refreshing break. We long to "lay our burdens down" and simply relax . . . No issues. No cares or concerns. Just sweet sensations.

Even though sabbaticals are generally associated with getaways for long periods of time, they don't necessarily have to be. Since it's our own personal sabbatical, we say what, we say when, and we say how long.

Yeah . . . yeah . . . yeah . . . money is tight, right? And we must be mindful of our spending. Truth is, if most of us wait until we can comfortably afford our sabbatical, we may be waiting forever.

So what do we do?

Be creative! Think of unique ways to pursue something fulfilling and fun. Solicit a friend or dare to venture alone.
Whether we choose an hour, an afternoon, a weekend, or hopefully a whole week, let's pursue something (as long as it's not unhealthy or unholy) that promotes relaxation and restoration for deeply stressed souls.

All in favor of a sensational sabbatical say "AYE!"

Peace I leave with you . . .