"But seek ye first the kingdom of God, and his righteousness;and all these things shall be added unto you."
~ Matthew 6:33 ~
Almost everyone, everywhere, loves being a winner--stress-survivors included.
As children, back in the 50's and 60's, we had something we called a winner's sucker. These suckers were favorites among us kids because, as the name implies, they were winners. Sometimes.
When we bought a sucker, unwrapped it, and pulled out a little white strip of paper that had "Winner" written on it, we'd win a free sucker.
We spent nickel after nickel, trying to be a winner. And when we didn't win--even back then--we'd become aggravated and upset.
Since then we've moved on and matured, of course, we're still holding on to that winners' mentality.
Who among us does not stress over winning? Winning affection in private; winning praise in public; winning recognition on the job; even winning consumer "rewards."
Fortunately, we've been exposed to a much bigger and better winners' circle. In this particular winners' circle there's no stressing over whether or not we're going to win. WE ARE GUARANTEED TO WIN.
GOD guarantees when we seek HIS WORD and HIS RIGHTEOUSNESS, "ALL" things will be added unto us (See Matthew 6:33).
Please understand, with this win, as with our
winners' suckers, there's a part for us to play.
We must seek God's way--first. We must conform to His will in doing and being right. Then, for certain, we'll be in
Peace I leave with you . . .