Sunday, July 13, 2008


H2O, better known as water, is the most
overlooked stress suppressor available to us.

Water makes up more than two-thirds of our body weight. Every cell and organ in our bodies requires water to function properly. That's why it's important to drink plenty of water--even if we don't "like" it.

Many of us are walking around dehydrated and don't know it. Thirst signals dehydration. So by the time we become thirsty, our bodies are already dehydrated. Hello?

Dehydration is a big contributor to stress. When the body dehydrates, it induces anxiety and nervousness. Studies show that dehydration is one of the major causes for headaches. And, get this, fatigue is a side effect.

Dehydration can increase toxins in our bloodstreams and cause irritability and unnecessary stress. Drinking water throughout the day can flush those toxins out of our bodies.

Drinking eight glasses of good, clean water a day can also aid in the prevention and cure of many types of ailments that affect our bodies--such as headaches, depression, PMS, menopause, arthritis, back ache, constipation, diabetes, high blood pressure and cholesterol.

Since water has no calories and contains no cholesterol or fat, it can help us lose excess weight, or maintain our weight. Drinking water and staying fully hydrated can increase our metabolic rate.

The best indicator that we are drinking enough water is from our bathroom trips. If urine comes out pale yellow to clear, we're okay. But a dark yellow color is a sign our body is dehydrated and needs water.

And please, make it a priority to drink safe water. Never take for granted that clean water flows from the faucet. Chlorine is added to most drinking water supplies. And contaminated water can indeed cause health problems.

Consuming adequate amounts of water each day can help to maintain good health and a strong immune system. Don't be foolish . . . Drink it!

Peace I leave with you . . .

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