Sunday, January 23, 2011


". . . a catastrophe you cannot foresee will suddenly come upon you."
Isaiah 47:11b, NKJV

Ask any stress-surviors and we will testify how quickly things can change.
No doubt, we've all had experiences when everything was going so good, and without the slightest warning--in the twinkling of an eye--things changed.
Sound familiar?
It might be personal or professional, and even sometimes spiritual, but catastrophes can come upon us so quickly, that we're more than "knocked off our feet," we're left out on a limb, wondering what to do.
Now here's the big question: Is there a way to make ourselves immune to the stresses that so suddenly attack us?
Hardly. . . But there is hope. Stress-survivors have learned how to look for hope in whatever, or whoever, upsets us.
What we recommend to endure times of sudden stresses is to keep our eyes stayed on the Lord. We offer God's promise in Isaiah 26:3, "Thou wilt keep him in perfect peace, whose mind is stayed on Thee:"
Stress-survivors cling to that promise like birds clinging to a single life-saving branch. We've tried it and we know it's true.
But don't take our word, try God yourselves and see won't He, in the twinkling of an eye, do just what He said.
Peace I leave with you . . .

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